Impacto del Wi-Fi 6 en la Realidad Virtual y Aumentada


Marlene Guadalupe Castillo Pinargote Oscar Alexander López Gorozabel Carlos Luis Iza Cedeño Miguel Ángel León Bravo


The integration of virtual and augmented reality technologies in fields as diverse as medicine, engineering, education and marketing has enabled the establishment of new forms of learning, which necessarily require efficient connectivity. This article therefore analyses the fundamental role of Wi-Fi 6 (IEEE 802.11ax) in the improvement of immersive experiences, considering aspects such as its superior speed, capacity and efficiency, which respond to the growing demands of this type of applications. This research presents a bibliographic-descriptive study, for which a systematic review has been carried out on the impact of Wi-Fi 6 on virtual and augmented reality, defining variables and inclusion-exclusion criteria in databases such as: SCOPUS, Web of Science, IEEE Explore, Google Scholar, among others. There is no doubt that, in the medical area (surgical and dental), virtual and augmented reality have proven their efficiency in the training of students and professionals, which has improved clinical outcomes and user satisfaction, in relation to the above, Wi-Fi 6 amplifies these advantages by ensuring wireless connectivity with higher data rates and lower latency. As virtual and augmented reality applications evolve and position themselves in various industries, technologies such as Wi-Fi 6 are also required to establish a wireless network infrastructure with increased capacity, better performance in congested environments, faster data rates, reduced latency and energy efficiency.


Cómo citar
Castillo Pinargote, M., López Gorozabel, O., Iza Cedeño, C., & León Bravo, M. (2024). Impacto del Wi-Fi 6 en la Realidad Virtual y Aumentada. Serie Científica De La Universidad De Las Ciencias Informáticas, 17(3), 15-28. Recuperado a partir de
Artículos de revisión
Biografía del autor/a

Marlene Guadalupe Castillo Pinargote, Universidad Técnica de Manabí

Ingeniera en Sistemas Informáticos.

Máster en Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación en Redes.

Docente de la Facultad de Ciencias Informáticas.

Oscar Alexander López Gorozabel, Universidad Técnica de Manabí

Ingeniero de Sistemas Informáticos.
Licenciado en Trabajo Social.
Máster en Ingeniería de Software y Sistemas Informáticos.
Docente de la Facultad de Ciencias Informáticas.

Carlos Luis Iza Cedeño, Universidad Técnica de Manabí

Ingeniero en Sistemas Informáticos.

Docente de la Facultad de Ciencias Informáticas.

Miguel Ángel León Bravo, Universidad Técnica de Manabí

Ingeniero de Sistemas Informáticos.

Máster en Tecnología Educativa.

Experiencia en docencia segundo y tercer nivel.

Docente de la Universidad Técnica de Manabí.

Supervisión y fiscalización del área operativa en empresas de Telecomunicaciones.